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Where to stay

Experience luxury and nature, residing in perfect harmony


Six Senses Southern Dunes, The Red Sea

Inspired by the Nabataean traders, the Six Senses Southern Dunes Resort echoes the shape of the desert to offer prime aspects over the inspiring landscape of the Hijaz Mountains. Venture to The Artisan Village to hear a story of cultural history and heritage, or under the canopy of the Oasis, the heart of the resort, where vibrant activities gather under one roof.

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The St. Regis Red Sea Resort

Find your sanctuary on the secluded Ummahat Island at The St Regis Red Sea Resort, where 90 spectacular avant-garde villas dot the landscape. This vision of exquisite living is just a short boat – or seaplane – ride away. The resort includes high-tech fitness center, kids club, state-of-the-art spa and pool. Bespoke services and the St. Regis Butler Service ensures your needs are catered to, whilst three restaurants, each with its own distinct concept, artfully combine the spirit of the region with exceptional fine dining.

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Discover our luxury resorts

A handpicked selection of the best luxury hotels and resorts on the planet.

Inspired by the Nabataean traders, the Six Senses Southern Dunes Resort echoes the shape of the desert to offer prime aspects over the inspiring landscape of the Hijaz Mountains. Venture to The Artisan Village to hear a story of cultural history and heritage, or under the canopy of the Oasis, the heart of the resort, where vibrant activities gather under one roof.

Find your sanctuary on the secluded Ummahat Island at The St. Regis Red Sea Resort, where 90 spectacular avant- garde villas dot the landscape. Fringed by a thriving coral reef, and devoted to the preservation of a diverse ecosystem, this vision of exquisite living is just a short boat – or seaplane – ride away.

Transcend the ordinary, with a high-tech fitness center and kids club, or relax in our state-of-the-art spa and pool. Bespoke services and the St. Regis Butler Service ensures everyone’s needs are catered to, whilst three restaurants, each with its own distinct concept, artfully combine the spirit of the region with exceptional fine dining.


Pristine islands and breathtaking reefs

One of the world’s last true hidden treasures, The Red Sea is surrounded by the world’s fourth-largest barrier reef system and spans over 28,000-square-kilometer with an archipelago of more than 90 untouched island,dormant volcanos, sweeping desert dunes, mountain canyons and historical and cultural sites. The Red Sea will be ready to welcome the first guests in Winter 2024.


Majestic mountains and sprawling dunes

As the sun's gentle touch illuminates the rugged mountain peaks and the golden sands of the desert dunes, a world of opulence and elegance unfolds. Indulge in the finest accommodations, where modern comfort harmonizes with ancient landscapes, offering breathtaking views and unparalleled relaxation.

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> element.linkToPage  [in template "20097#20123#378290" at line 73, column 62]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${element.linkToPage.getFriendlyUrl()}  [in template "20097#20123#378290" at line 73, column 60]
1<div class="bgContainer bgContainer--shapeBottomStart bgContainer--white"> 
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13                <h2 class="heading__title"><#if (title.getData())??> 
14                        ${title.getData()} 
15                    </#if></h2> 
16                <h3 class="heading__subtitle"><#if (subtitle.getData())??> 
17                        ${subtitle.getData()} 
18                    </#if></h3> 
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20                        ${lead.getData()} 
21                    </#if></p> 
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28                        <#assign seq = categoryGroup.getSiblings()> 
29                        <#list categoryGroup.getSiblings() as cur_category_group> 
30                            <div id="hotel-filter-${cur_category_group?index}" class="filteredGrid__field"> 
32                                <!-- begin components/select --> 
34                                <div class="select select--skies select--placeholder" data-input-label="select--filled" 
35                                     data-custom-select="" data-custom-select-theme="skies"> 
36                                    <select id="<#if (cur_category_group.category.getData())??>${cur_category_group.category.getData()} 
37</#if>" name="<#if (cur_category_group.category.getData())??>${cur_category_group.category.getData()}</#if>" class="select__select select__input--hidden" data-input-label-input="" data-custom-select-input=""> 
38                                        <option value="" class="select__option" selected="selected"></option> 
39                                        <#if cur_category_group.option.getSiblings()?has_content> 
40                                            <#list cur_category_group.option.getSiblings() as cur_categoryGroup_option> 
41                                                <#if (cur_categoryGroup_option.getData())??> 
42                                                    <option value="${cur_categoryGroup_option.getData()}" 
43                                                            class="select__option">${cur_categoryGroup_option.getData()}</option> 
45                                                </#if> 
46                                            </#list> 
47                                        </#if> 
49                                    </select> 
50                                    <label for="<#if (cur_category_group.category.getData())??>${cur_category_group.category.getData()}</#if>" class="select__label"><#if (cur_category_group.category.getData())??> 
51                                            ${cur_category_group.category.getData()} 
52                                        </#if> 
53                                    </label> 
54                                    <span class="input__error"></span> 
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57                                <!-- end components/select --> 
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67                <#if card.getSiblings()?has_content> 
68                    <#list card.getSiblings() as element> 
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90                                     src="${element.cardDefaultImage.getData()}"/> 
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93                                     alt="${element.cardOverlayImage.getAttribute("alt")}" 
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97                        </div> 
98                        <div class="gridTile__label gridTile__label--bottom"><#if (element.date.getData())??>${element.date.getData()}</#if> 
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108    <!-- end sections/filteredGrid --> 
111    function getValues(select) { 
112        const newArray = [] 
113        var inputs = select.querySelector('.select__value'); 
114        inputs.forEach(function (input) { 
115            if (!!input.innerHTML.trim()) { 
116                newArray.push(input.innerHTML.trim()); 
118        }) 
119        return newArray; 
122    function Listen() { 
123        var filterSelects = document.querySelectorAll('.select'); 
124        const cards = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-card]`); 
125        function getCardValues(card) { 
126            const CardValueArray = [] 
127            var inputs = card.querySelectorAll('.hidden-input'); 
128            inputs.forEach(function (input) { 
129                if (!!input.value.trim()) { 
130                    CardValueArray.push(input.value.trim()); 
132            }) 
133            return CardValueArray; 
135        function updateCardVisibility() { 
136            cards.forEach(function (card) { 
137                const cardValues = Array.from(card.querySelectorAll('.hidden-input')); 
138                const cardMatches = Array.from(filterSelects).every(function (filterSelect, selectIndex) { 
139                    const selectedValue = filterSelect.querySelector('.select__value').innerHTML; 
140                    console.log("selectedValue " + selectedValue); 
141                    const hasMatchingValue = cardValues.some(function (cardValue) { 
142                        console.log(cardValue.value); 
144                        return cardValue.dataset.selectId == selectIndex && cardValue.value.trim() == selectedValue.trim(); 
145                    }); 
146                    return selectedValue === '' || hasMatchingValue; 
147                }); 
148                card.style.display = cardMatches ? 'flex' : 'none'; 
149            }); 
151        filterSelects.forEach(function (filterSelect) { 
152            const selectInSelect = filterSelect.querySelector('select'); 
153            selectInSelect.addEventListener('blur', updateCardVisibility); 
154        }); 
156    Listen(); 


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